I Am Worthy of Love

I Am Worthy of Love

This is a true story of a girl who was taught certain things were not pleasing to God as she grew up in church. These things were like the rules to be Christian in her eyes. So she thought, "If I don't break the rules ALL THE TIME, then I am fine." She was also told that God forgives people of all their sins and all you have to do is ask for His forgiveness and that God has brand new mercies everyday. Although all of that is true she wasn't aware that consequences of her actions would still affect her. She just believed if she did whatever she wanted, asked God for forgiveness, then He would renew her everyday, therefore she wouldn't have any consequences. That thought seemed to be true to her because nothing ever happened to her, so she continued to explore life until one day she received the consequences of her actions. She was perplexed by why God allowed her to experience such horrible consequences that seemed to change her entire life.

For the LORD disciplines those he loves, and he punishes each one he accepts as his child." 

Hebrews 12:6 NLT

She was too ashamed to talk to anyone about it. She was too disappointed in herself to hope for better. She felt like no beauty could come out of her mistakes, just scars that she believed she would forever have in her life. She felt that she deserved to sit in such pain as a punishment, so she made a choice to live in her sorrow, guilt, shame and disappointment for years!

As you endure this divine discipline, remember that God is treating you as his own children. Who ever heard of a child who is never disciplined by its father?

Hebrews 12:7 NLT

It wasn't until she truly grabbed hold of the meaning of Christ's death and resurrection did her world change.

Many people may be able to relate to this girl's situation of feeling stuck in her consequences and they feel they will forever be punished by God or even feel like God is too angry and/or disappointed in them, causing them to be too ashamed to pray to Him or even afraid to try God as a solution to their problem.

Why do we chose to believe these things about our life when circumstances occur?

There are a number of reasons, maybe because...

  1. We may believe God doesn't really love His children.

  2. Maybe because we feel unworthy or not good enough to be loved by God.

  3. We may have always believed in Jesus, but never truly understood the power in His death on the cross and resurrection from the grave.

  4. We may feel we can't approach God with what we consider a dirty and disappointing life.

  5. Maybe we are the type of people that tried God before and we felt like nothing happened.

The list can go on... what are other reasons?


Before Jesus died on the cross, people were under a covenant that had regulations for worship in the tabernacle.

Now the first covenant had regulations for worship and also an earthly sanctuary. 

Hebrews 9:1 NIV 

Once a year only the high priest could enter behind the curtain of the Most Holy Place in the tabernacle to talk to God to receive the rituals needed to be completed in order for people to be forgiven for their sins.

 6 When these things were all in place, the priests regularly entered the first room as they performed their religious duties. 7 But only the high priest ever entered the Most Holy Place, and only once a year. And he always offered blood for his own sins and for the sins the people had committed in ignorance. 

Hebrew 9: 6 & 7 NIV

Although the high priest would offer gifts and sacrifices for his and others' sins, this was not able to clear the conscience of worshipers. The people during this time would perform various ceremonial washings and fasting for cleansing.

9 This is an illustration pointing to the present time. For the gifts and sacrifices that the priests offer are not able to cleanse the consciences of the people who bring them. 10 For that old system deals only with food and drink and various cleansing ceremonies--physical regulations that were in effect only until a better system could be established.

Hebrews 9:9 & 10 NIV

The beauty in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is that we are no longer under the "...old system...". Through Christ's death the curtain in the tabernacle was torn. Therefore, we are no longer in need of a man to go to God on our behalf for our sins. We have free access to God for ALL things... especially forgiveness.

At that moment the curtain in the sanctuary of the Temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. ...

Matthew 27:51 NIV

The tearing of the curtain reveals there is no longer a separation between us and God. He has given us total access to Him just as we are, non-perfect and all. However, even after His death and resurrection, we still live like we can't come to Him as if those consequences define Jesus' acceptance of us, our life, our beauty, our hopes and dreams. We act as if our circumstances in life have taken us to the end of our journey. Why live like our life is over? That is not God's intention when life hits us in a negative way. We live in a world of sin. He knows there will be trails and sorrow in this world which is why Jesus died on the cross.

"I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."

John 16:33

I imagine Jesus looking at us thinking, " I am still here for you. Come to Me and pour your heart out to Me! I'm listening, my love. I want to help you through this, but you have to choose Me. I've died so you can have direct, free access to Me through prayer!" God loves us and sees that we are worthy of love by Him despite the past mistakes. It's time to choose Him and start living again.

Not worth it
It's too late to start again
And I'm sure I'm useless in the hands of the Creator
I'm not enough to salvage
And I'm not enough to build with ..."Journal by Casey J

YOU ARE EXACTLY WHO GOD WANTS. Otherwise, you wouldn't feel the guilt. Remember the beginning of this post...

For the LORD disciplines those he loves, and he punishes each one he accepts as his child." Hebrews 12:6 NLT

As you endure this divine discipline, remember that God is treating you as his own children. Who ever heard of a child who is never disciplined by its father? Hebrews 12:7 NLT

You are His child. He loves you. He wants to use you. As hard as it may seem to believe,  through the time of discipline, discipline actually makes you better. It teaches you truth. Through the discipline in your life there are life lessons. Lessons learned that others need to hear to get through their circumstances. Someone may need you to push through this with God's help because you're the person that can help save them.

"Walking around
What if someone finds out the truth
That I'm shattered
Pieced together by the love of You
Not worthy of Your attention
I'm so guilty and ashamed
Please don't use me
No, you can't use me..."Journal by Casey J

Don't hide behind the things God brought you through. You made it through the hardest part of overcoming your situation. Now you're pieced together by the love of God. 

What a beautiful thing to be pieced together by Christ, your creator! He created you and despite the things you've done. He will take you as you are right now and piece you back together and still give you the beautiful plans for your future. Let's control our thoughts and focus on the truth about Christ.

"... But here comes your WordHealing
Affirming Word
Write it on my heart
Write it on my mind
So I'll never forget it
Your word"Journal by Casey J

Embrace the beauty of God's forgiveness and allow Him to piece you back together and discover the beauty he sees in you despite of what you see as flaws or your past mistakes.


Gracious God, please help me to embrace the beauty of Your forgiveness, so I may forgive myself first, enabling me to forgive others. I want to live again and no longer choose to suffer in my past mistakes. Help me to understand the truth about Your love and how Your death on the cross cleanses me and brings beauty to my life. I want to know You more. I pray that the truth in Your word rests on my heart forever, so I will no longer be a slave to sin. I choose to live and I choose You. In Jesus' mighty name I pray, Amen.

God Loves You!

Embrace the beauty of forgiveness XOXO

Thanks for reading. I pray this post blesses you and that God places on your heart the person you should share this post with. God works through us to lead others to

Beauty in His Embrace

Beauty in His Embrace