Beauty in His Embrace

Beauty in His Embrace

When I think of the lowest moments in my life, I think of an embrace from a hug  that captured me in that moment and gave me  sense of relief. Or an embrace that captured me at the highest moments in my life letting me know someone is sharing my happiness. Now, those feelings  gained from an embrace were only provided from someone that genuinely shared my happiness or wanted to bring me comfort. When I was in the mist of those embraces, I felt secure, safe, comfort, happiness, whatever the moment called for. But of course a person can't hold on to you forever nor can they do life for themselves holding on to you. So the moment they let go you may still feel what the embrace provided, but as time continue you find yourself...alone.

Well, this blog is about the embrace provided by a loving saviour, Jesus Christ. An embrace that last always and forever. With the embrace of Him you're never alone! So with all that being said...


Let's explore the embrace of Jesus Christ!


I Am Worthy of Love

I Am Worthy of Love